Competition analysis
Analysis of the digital presence of your company in relation to the competition
Want to be ahead of the competition?
Achieve increased sales and better reach to potential clients with our comprehensive Internet marketing analysis.
The growth of your company depends on sales channels and availability to potential clients. If the competition is more accessible or wins over your existing customers with better availability, your business will be seriously threatened.
From this analysis you will find out...
Being ahead of the competition means that you have to know what marketing actions the competition is taking towards your target group of clients and improve them.
What will you gain from this analysis?
Why is Internet marketing analysis important for your overall business?
- 94% of B2B buyers conduct research on the Internet about products or services before making a purchase decision
- 6% others
- 94% of B2B buyers conduct research on the Internet about products or services before making a purchase decision
- 6% others
- 85% of B2C buyers search for information about a product or service on the Internet
- 15% others
- 85% of B2C buyers search for information about a product or service on the Internet
- 15% others
- 80% of searches for local services or products start in Internet search engines over other media
- 20% others
- 80% of searches for local services or products start in Internet search engines over other media
- 20% others
You will receive a comprehensive comparison and suggestions for improvement with the aim of better selling products and services with the most successful competition in the following ways:
- By analyzing web pages
- By analyzing availability on Internet search engines by relevant keywords
- By analyzing activities and presence on social networks and other Internet channels that might be of interest to your target client groups
- By analyzing strategic elements in the process of sales, conversion and SEO optimization and the need to add them (documents for download, eBooks, blogs, videos, newsletters, etc.).
- By evaluating the way you present your products and services
- Determination of online advertising strategies on all existing channels
- Evaluation of customer satisfaction and analysis of possible feedback
Through a thorough analysis, we will identify the strengths, weaknesses and potential opportunities of Internet marketing so that you can be ahead of the competition. You will receive customized recommendations to improve your online presence.
If you want to expand your business and be ahead of the competition, the first step in Internet marketing is to learn about existing actions and their success, which our analysis will provide you with. Order this comprehensive useful analysis today.