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Website visit statistics as an important indicator for redesign

By |2024-04-17T20:25:29+00:00December 15, 2018|Blog, Web design and development|

Website visit statistics are important both for checking the effectiveness of marketing campaigns and for web design. In fact, website redesign starts with analyzing website access statistics. In addition to the number of visitors and website traffic, which most people use for analysis, statistics can show many other interesting data.

Tools for webmasters: spell checkers, SEO, images…

By |2024-04-17T20:25:29+00:00November 28, 2018|Blog, SEO, Web design and development|

Ideja je na jednom mjestu skupiti alate koji su korisni u svakodnevnom radu kod dizajna ili održavanja web stranica. Lista bi mogla biti i veća ali i namjeravamo je s vremenom nadograđivati.

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